Introduction of biology and Important Key Terms of Biology pdf download


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Introduction of biology and Important Key Terms of Biology pdf download

                                      Introduction of biology 

Biology - Branch of science in which living being are studied.

Bio=Life & Logos=Study.Therefore study of life is called Biology.The term biology was first coined by Lamarck and Treviranus in the year 1801.Biology has two main branch-

1.Botany:Study of different aspects of plant.Theophrastus is as fatherof Botany. 

2.Zoology:Study of various aspects of animals. Aristotle is called father of zoology as well as Biology.

Important Key Terms of Biology   

*Floriculture: Cultivation of plant for flower.

*Food technology: Scientific processing, presevation, storage and transportation of food.

*Fermentation: Process of incomplete oxidation that occor in microbes and other cells in absence of oxygen, leading to the formation of ethyl alcohol.

*Genetics: Study of variation and transmission of heredity character from parents to their young ones.

*Genertic engineering: Manipulation of gene in order to improve the organism.

*Gynecology: Study of female reproductive organ.

*Gerontology: Study of ageing.

*Gastroenterology: Study of alimentary canal or ( stomach and intestine) related disorder.

*Hypertonic: When two solution have different solute concentration. The solution which have higher concentration is called hypertonic.

*Hypotonic: In two solution which have lower solute concentration is called hypotoic.

*Homeothermic: Animal who have constant body temperature are called homeothermic or warmblooded animal.

*Histology: Study of tissue organisation and their internal structure with the help of microscope.

*Hygiene: Science of taking care of health and prevent, disease,specially through cleanliness.

*Hydroponics: Study of growing plant without soil in water which contain nutrient.

*Hepatology: Study of liver. 

*Icthyology: Study of fishes.

*Immunology: Study of immune system or resistance of body to disease.

*Kalology: Study of human beauty.

*Metazoans: All multicellular animal are called metazoans.

*Monoecious: Plant which have both male and female flower.

*Morphology: Study of external structure.

*Microbiology: Study of micro-organism like virus, bacteria,algae,fungi and protozoa.

*Molecular biology: Study of molecule found in the body of living organism.

*Medicine: Study of treating disease by drug.

*Mammography: Branch of science which deal test for breast cancer.

*Mycology: Study of fungi.

*Mixed farming: Farming along with animal husbandry.

*Nutrients: Chemical substances taken as food which are necessary for various function , growth and health of living.

*Neurology: Study of nervous system.

*Neonatology: Medical care of newborm espcilly the ill or premature.

*Nephrology: Study of kidneys.

*Osmosis: Movement of water molecule across semipermeable membrane from the region of its higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.

*Ornithology: Study of birds.

*Ophthalmology: Study of eyes.

*Phytoplankton: Microscopic organism which passively float on the surface of water.

*Parasite: Organism which depend on other living for their food shelter and ofher harm it. 

*Poikilotermic: Organism which change their body temperature according to surrounding. These are also called cold blooded animal.

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